Dermato Surgeries

Moles often appear as small dark brown colored spots and are caused by clusters of pigment cells. They generally appear during childhood and adolescence.

Corns and callosities are thick hardened layers of skin that develop due to friction and pressure. They most often develop on the feet, toes, hands and fingers.

Warts are a type of skin infection that appears small fleshy bumps on the skin or mucous membrane caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are caused by various strains of the human papillomavirus and spread by..

Ingrown toe nails occur when the edges of the nails grow in the adjacent skin. This occurs in both men and women. Sweating is frequently associated.

Moles often appear as small dark brown colored spots and are caused by clusters of pigment cells. They generally appear during childhood and adolescent.
Book An Appointment
East Patel Nagar
Monday :10 AM - 2 PM4 PM - 9 PM
Tues & Wed :10 AM - 2 PM4 PM - 9 PM
Fri & Sat :10 AM - 2 PM4 PM - 9 PM
Sunday :10 AM - 2 PM4 PM - 9 PM
Thursday :Closed